Sean Balogh

Happy Marketers: Introducing Campaign Success Prediction

Happy Cabbage has redefined campaign success when it comes to text message marketing in retail cannabis.

Over the last month, we’ve introduced a new way to predict whether a campaign will be a success or failure. You’ll know if your campaigns are good to go in minutes, not days. 

In the past, marketers would play the waiting game after crafting a campaign to see if their efforts resulted in a boom of revenue or a bust.

It sucks to spend all that prep time and send campaigns with little understanding of how things went until hours or days later. What’s worse, is they’d have little insights into the why behind success or failure.

Now, we’re delivering those insights and improved performance with our campaign success prediction technology. 

This new element of Happy Marketers comes at no added cost for subscribers and has already improved our average delivery success by over 50% among our customers participating in early testing.

The Benefits of Campaign Success Prediction

Our campaign success predictor gives you that head’s up early on that lets you make changes when necessary and ensures you spend less time waiting in the wings trying to make heads or tails of campaign results. 

In short, You find out right away when the campaigns you send need a little work, before they get sent to the bulk of your customers. Quickly duplicate your audience, then send a revised campaign following Happy Cabbage’s best practices.

Happy Marketers campaign success prediction:

How it Works 

Happy Cabbage keeps tabs on all the changes carriers are throwing your way that can prevent campaigns from being received by your customers. 

Campaigns that are sent will be tested for effectiveness in real-time. 

Any campaign that is guaranteed to run afoul of the carriers will be automatically stopped minutes after you send to prevent burning through thousands of numbers and receiving spam reports that can negatively impact your future campaigns.

Happy Marketers is the best SMS and email marketing tool in retail cannabis. Reach out and schedule some time with a rep to get the rundown on campaign success prediction.

Learn how Happy Cabbage can help you make more money in the most effective way possible.

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