October 18, 2024

Say goodbye to guesswork: use lead times in Happy Buyers!

Buyers are constantly padding desired days on hand with lead times when reordering 🙅

This is mental math on top of tons of spreadsheet math. The good news? With Happy Buyers, you can just use our new lead time feature!

Have no idea what we’re talking about? Forward this to the buyer at your store.

Happy Buyers dashboard with new lead time feature

Lead times in Happy Buyers account for the amount of inventory you'll sell from now until the delivery truck arrives without you doing the extra math. You'll always havethe right amount of inventory on hand - not too little or too much.

Using lead times will save a ton of hours of manually padding numbers in your ordering.

Want to see this for yourself? Get a demo from us here.


  1. Set your desired days on hand
    Set this based on how many days of inventory you want to have when the delivery arrives at your store.
  2. Add your lead time
    Set this based on how many days there are from now until the delivery will arrive at your store.
  3. Select your lookback period
    Set this based on the period of time you want to reference for calculating units per day.

Using lead times, you'll see two associated columns -
units needed and units to order.

Happy Buyers reorder report showing "Units needed" and "Units to order" which reflect lead times

Units needed: How many units you need right now

Units needed is how many units you need at this current moment in order to meet your set desired days on hand and does not consider lead times.

Units to order: How many units you need when the delivery arrives

Units to order is how many units you need to order to have your desired days on hand upon delivery; this takes into consideration current stock levels, units sold per day, and your lead time.

Using lead times in reports

Lead times are included in the calculation of every “units to order” column and export across Happy Buyers.

Screenshot 2024-10-16 at 2.35.38 PM
Happy Buyers data showing total amounts of units to reorder which include the accumulative lead times

💡Pro tip: Maintain an excel sheet with your vendor's lead times. By knowing the average lead time and delivery trends for each vendor, you can make an informed decision on how much you need to order today to have your desired days on hand when the delivery truck arrives.

This feature was a request by many of our Happy Buyers users during our Customer Council. If you sign up to be a Happy Buyer, you can also join our Customer Council discussions for free.

They are an open forum round table conversation featuring retail buyers for multi-location or multi-state chains down to single location mom and pop retailers.

The insights are tremendous, the advice they give each other is literal gold, and there’s great camaraderie generated that is inspiring.

Take a tour of Happy Buyers, sign up to be one yourself, and join the most valuable buyers’ discussion in cannabis.

Happy Buying!

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