King's Crew Segments Customers & Boosts Loyalty with Adaptable Tooling

The full spectrum cannabis business used data to redefine and transform their customer experience.

Happy Cabbage Solves the ‘Spray and Pray’ Strategy

King’s Crew is a full-service, licensed cannabis dispensary located in Long Beach, CA. A partner of Gold Flora, King’s Crew offers a premium customer shopping experience with a beautiful contemporary retail space, caring and knowledgeable staff, and a wide selection of only the finest compliant cannabis products on the market.

Conveniently located on Pacific Coast Highway and 7th Street, King’s Crew has accessible on-site parking and a Royalty Rewards program for customers to gain points towards future purchases. King’s Crew’s mission is to provide customers with an inviting cannabis retail experience with excellency in customer service and product selection to make you feel like royalty.
Long Beach, CA
Happy Marketers
SMS Marketing

When King’s Crew found Happy Cabbage, their team had already understood the importance of targeted SMS marketing campaigns to engage with their customers. King’s Crew had used many text platforms in the past, but these platforms were very limited in their capabilities with no ability to strategize marketing or know if what was being sent had any impact or return on their investment (ROI).

With the use of Happy Marketers, King’s Crew has a dynamic tool to segment our customer-base with endless targeting opportunities, strategize our text marketing approach, and analyze each text message sent to see overall performance and sales return.

All-in-all, there’s much more flexibility with Happy Marketers, and it’s easy to dissect the data and see immediate value.
Rhonda Delgado
Creative Director

Upon entrance, King’s Crew utilized an in-store kiosk display for customers to sign up for rewards. An opt-in landing page was requested by King’s Crew, in which Happy Cabbage was able to implement. In using Happy Marketers, customers can easily enter their contact information into the kiosk and opt-in to receive text message marketing. From there, each customer profile automatically syncs with their dispensary’s POS system into Happy Marketers, along with customer purchase history, in-store visits, delivery frequency, etc.

Identifying Buying Patterns through Product Preferences

With over 1,000 product SKUs, King’s Crew has a variety of products to promote, but every consumer has different product preferences, tolerances and are at different stages of the customer journey. Concentrates, for example, are a product category that’s reserved for more advanced cannabis users due to its incredibly high in THC content. With other text message providers, it’s hard to reach these specific types of customer segments and users have to mass-send these types of specials – even beginner consumers that might not be the most relevant target for specialized communications.

With Happy Marketers, King’s Crew can now identify the customer-base that purchases concentrates, or even those who purchase specific concentrate brands, with the ability to send more targeted and frequent text blasts that have the most impact without over-saturating their audience.

By using Happy Marketers’ targeting parameters (e.g. product preference, purchase latency, average spend, average day/time of purchase, etc.), Happy Cabbage clients can provide more personalized shopping experiences, boost customer loyalty, curate a customized consumer journey, and garner a lower opt-out rate. 

The Happy Cabbage team is incredibly adaptable. They're responsive to issues, even during off-hours or with custom requests. Other text marketing companies we’ve used in the past have told us “if our tool isn’t doing what you want, that’s just the way it is” – but Happy Cabbage has continuously relayed our feedback to their product development team and remains open to any suggestions.

Targeted Texts > General Texts

Before Happy Marketers, King’s Crew’s texts would be crafted ahead of time and then scheduled for later. This led to generalized text messages that didn’t offer much overall value, and attributed to higher opt-out rates. In one instance, King’s Crew used to mass-text their famous Taco Tuesday special, where any customer who makes an in-store purchase on Tuesdays from 11am – 2pm can receive 4 authentic street tacos and a drink with their purchase. With Happy Marketers, King’s Crew can instead identify and target any customers who tend to make in-store purchases during that specific time period (or whom spend over a certain amount to qualify) in an effort to lure customers who are not only available for the special, local, and/or who may be due for a visit.

Get the Most Out of Your Marketing

Take a demo of Happy Marketers to the power of targeted SMS marketing can change your business. Ready to grow like Kings Krew?

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The Results

After integration with Happy Marketers, King’s Crew saw an immediate improvement to their in-store traffic- an increase in customer visits from text campaigns and promoted events, increased sales for specifically targeted brands, a reduction in lost customers, and fewer opt-outs. In a few months’ time, the results started to roll in:


Campaign ROI

Once King's Crew started to hone their segmenting, they saw a strong increase in customer ROI just 24 hours after launching promotions.


Decreased Opt-Out

Happy Marketers empowers King's Crew to send more customized messaging, meaning customers are more likely to stay subscribed for deals and promotions that are suited for them.


Conversion Rate

As opt-out rates declined, King's Crew saw their message conversion rates rise- meaning more attuned customer engagement.

Every month, King's Crew's Happy Cabbage success team provides one-on-one performance reviews, offering best practices and text strategies that help facilitate better text performance and scheduling, customer acquisition and retention, and overall increased sales and ROI. To learn more about Happy Marketers, schedule a demo.